Differentiate between the NAATI and CCL examination formats and course accreditation

The full name of CCL is Credentialed Community Language Test, which is a community language test set up by NAATI, a national translation certification authority in Australia, specifically aimed at scoring points for skilled immigrants.

Immigration applicants can choose to take the NAATI or CCL test to gain community language points in the immigration score:

  • Diploma of interpreting or higher or
  • Advanced Diploma of Translating or higher/Advanced Diploma of Interpreting or
  • Credentialed Community Language Test

Form of Examination

Diploma of interpreting tests the candidates’ two-way translation ability (Chinese translation into English and English translation into Chinese). During the examination, the examiner will have a real-time conversation with the candidates based on the daily conversation in Australia.

In the CCL, examiners score candidates based on their accuracy in interpreting conversations, interpreting skills and language comprehension. The questions cover finance, housing, business, insurance, employment law, community services, immigration, education, social services and medical employment. The difficulty is a little lower than the second level interpretation.

Official certification

Students who wish to obtain the certificates of Diploma of interpreting and Advanced Diploma of Translating/Advanced Diploma of Interpreting must attend relevant training or have relevant experience in translation work in an official accredited school. They will be eligible to apply for the examination only after receiving a letter of completion of the course.

After passing the Diploma of interpreting, you will be Certified provisional interpreter, and students who pass the Advanced Diploma of Translating/Advanced Diploma of Interpreting, they will be Certified interpreter/translator.

Good news for you!

All new credentials issued from 9 August 2022 will change from three-year period to five-year validity period.


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